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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sometimes "living" requires courage. At times, you have to put on your brave face just to get out of the bed and face yourself, the people/things around you and the choices you've made. Be courageous! Face your giants with full expectancy of the victory that your faith and obedience have sealed for you. KNOW beyond any shadow of doubt that your gifts are making room for you and when your season comes, there is NO thing and NO one who can alter God's plan for you. Trust THAT plan with everything in you and be not moved by what you see and hear. Say it with me, "My life is good even when it doesn't feel like it. I am equipped for battle and I win in every way that matters. I can make it. I can take it. I can bear it...with the Lord on my side.". Now, get up and get going! There's a beautiful day waiting to be ridiculously good to you.
5:24 pm          Comments

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