A constant in the lives of people who experience a sense
of day-to-day aliveness is the discovery of their purpose!!

Precious Quire-McCloud (SMW Photography, Burlington NC) |
The efforts and varied experiences that have defined the
search (and subsequent discovery) of my purpose have evolved into UBU (pronounced you-be-you). UBU is not a person,
place or thing. It is a state of mind and is a powerful force of empowerment and awareness.
This kind of existence
requires a personal commitment to stop looking at "what's wrong with everyone else" and realize that sometimes,
we are the ones who tracked the mud into the relationship; we are
the ones who said the wrong thing or behaved poorly. It's a tough pill, but it's true. Think about it.
How many of us are still being influenced by something someone said or did to us a child? ...in high school? ...before a breakup? ...after
we got married? ...just last week? Some of the things we carry in our subconcious influence our current actions and
belief systems more than we realize. They reside so deep that we aren't always prepared with a constructive method
to handle them when triggered. They are the main drivers of unresolved misunderstandings.
I have committed the past 13 years of my life to the ideals
of UBU and haven't a single doubt that its practical messages of hope, perseverance and positive change are a gift to
those who are ready to break through, overcome and triumph...once and for all!
This is a resource website and is not designed to be
read/absorbed all at once. Depending on where you are in your life's journey, there are nuggets that will impact you
one way today and a different way tomorrow. Feel free to use and share it as a tool for ongoing encouragement
and uplift. The road of self-discovery is not easy, but it can be amazing and life-changing - I
am a confident witness to that fact and am committed to helping as many people as I can find the freedom to live authentically,
in harmony with others and most importantly...themselves.
Are you ready? If so, I
invite you to join me on this rewarding journey. Sometimes raw...other times bold. You can't timidly change your
life...you have to be BOLD, be COURAGEOUS and be CONFIDENT in what God's Word says about you, your life and your POWERLESS
circumstances. You are SO loved and SO blessed. You are SO triumphant and SO victorious! You are SO
divinely favored. UBU says, "It's time to act like it!".